Monday 22 December 2014

Catchup Post #2 - Training Day

(*Catchup post for Tues 16th Dec*)

I began today with a run along the Mures river- not sure if that kind of thing is very common here but I feel very conspicuous and one of a group of cheeky school boys tried to trip me up! I guess litle boys are the same the world over!
Anyway, back to the project. It was meant to be my RDO but Attila organized for all of us to participate in the second day of the "Basics for Nurses" course. It's a program developed in Hong Kong and this was the first trial run of the training in Romania. With a couple dozen nurses both from here and from Cluj we sped through the theory of intracranial pressure management, CPR, patient communication, and other relevant emergency topics. Yamesh (James) was on the ambulance today and made a bit of a disturbance every time the radio beeped - because with SMURD's incredible response times, you're unlikely to make it onto the Dr's car if you don't act like the call is the gunshot in a 100m dash. After a lunch of gigantic (but strangely topped) pizzas we students formed a group and rotated through practical modules. All the tutors were incredibly helpful and re-structured everything in English for us. We learned about putting in arterial lines, managing patients on CPAP, practiced handovers with the ISBAR tool (which definitely highlighted our need for improvement!), and did some problem-solving and guesswork together as pracs such as tranpsorting a ventilated ICU patient were totally unfamiliar to us.
L-R Mihaela, Jason, Hannah, Tori, Amanda and the Instructor: playing with SimMan  and discussing how to prepare patients for transport in their super awesome training facility

Amanda totally loved her taste of CPAP!

I think I can say that all of us really enjoyed the learning and recap - it was good to feel busy all day for once! Having drinks at the classy Downtown pub with our main man Attila was a good end to the day.

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