Thursday 4 December 2014

A long walk and chasing ambulances (Wednesday)

First thing today I popped on my running gear and burst out into a sunny 6 degree day! I decided to brave the woods and found not only some steep and slippery hills covered in leaves but also 3 deer! While using the outdoor gym up the top i made a friend who then guided me on a 6km jog through all the woodland trails. We talked about the Hungarian-Romanian history being a bit like the Aboriginal-white Australia relationship and he said I sound Dutch! He said Romanians don't really like running. It was a wonderful way to start the day.
Entrance to the woodland
Myself and Eugene - new running buddy!
 Jason and I had our rostered day off and set out to explore the Mures River a couple kms north. We took a scenic route and traipsed across the whole northern side of the city.

Jason inside the fortress walls

Strays- a common sight
Mures River

gypsy-looking dwellings
The ambulance base of  the other non-SMURD company
Pretty sunset tonight

Eating "Koverich" - Hungarian bread(lunch for 30 cents!)

SMURD Doctor's car
We stopped by a bread shop to soothe our appetite with the local fare and then we heard sirens and spotted the SMURD Dr car. With great excitement we grabbed our cameras but were both too late. So instead we faithfully waited at a prime viewing station for the ambulances return, knowing that Hannah our colleague was in that ambulance. Unfortunately the ambulance evaded us. Then we saw the SMURD helicopter fly out and so we walked up to the helipad to await its return, for another good photo opportunity. Unfortunately it evaded us too despite our incredible patience!

After a day of being a tourist, I'm ready for SMURD again tmrw!


  1. Where's Eugene from?
    Great exploring!
    Love you, Dad

  2. Sounds like you're having the best time!! Awesome work with the blog! :)

  3. Eugene is a Hungarian Romanian - easily distinguished by his bright shirt which is much too bright for the average Romanian lol!
